I’ve worked for the U.S. Air Force for over 9 years as a Broadcast Journalist creating multi.media content for our countries service members and military leaders. During that time I was able to travel around the world and visit locations that people only dream of. It was those unique locations that motivated me to turn my video production skills toward photography.
While stationed in Misawa, Japan I teamed up with an extremely talented photographer by the name of Jared William Elliott, who showed me how to use a camera to capture great images. We collaborated on several projects that included video and photography which made my love for photography grow even more, that’s when I created Guzman Multimedia.
This is my way of continuing a new passion of media by capturing great images and video production to tell a story, create a feeling, or just present a moment in time. Let me be your tool to help make your passion, moment, or even production a site the world needs to see.   

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